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How AI for Legal Documents Helps Lawyers


The legal industry is currently experiencing a shake-up due to the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), especially regarding document management and automation. According to the 2024 MyCase + LawPay Legal Industry Benchmark Report , 81% of lawyers using AI report increased productivity.

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Will AI Replace Lawyers? 4 Expert Opinions


In fact, according to the MyCase 2024 Legal Industry Report , 81% of respondents who leverage generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools use it to increase productivity and efficiency. Due Diligence AI can aid due diligence processes in complex transactions such as mergers and acquisitions by analyzing large volumes of documents and data.

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The Impact of AI for Lawyers: Benefits and Challenges


According to our 2024 Industry Trends Report , only 27% of legal professionals are currently utilizing generative artificial intelligence (GAI), but its adoption is expected to surge, with 73% planning to incorporate it into their workflows in the coming year.