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Belgium court rules Belgium’s failure to meet climate obligations amounts to human rights violation


The court accepted that the citizens have a “direct and personal interest” in the climate issue. The court stated that the Belgian state and the three regions have failed to meet the standards established by the Belgian Civil Code.

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Understanding Unsuccessful Climate Litigation: The Spanish Greenpeace Case


Under Annex 1 of the EU Regulation, by 2030, Spain must have reduced its GHG emissions by 37.7% The PNIEC and the Law on Climate Change include a target of GHG emission reduction of 23% by 2030 compared to 1990. The plaintiffs argued that reducing GHG emissions by 23% compared to 1990 levels by 2030 was insufficient to meet the 1.5º


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The Transformation of European Climate Change Litigation: Introduction to the Blog Symposium


The court ruled the complaint brought by the four individual women inadmissible due to the lack of victim status and maintained its strict requirements under Article 34 of the Convention. While the domestic case ( Commune de Grande-Synthe v.

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A look back at significant decisions in climate litigation in 2022


Courts in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom have provided oversight of government climate mitigation actions. In June 2022, the Prague Municipal Court ruled in Klimatická žaloba ČR v. The court ruled that there is no “unlawful interference” with property rights based on EU case law. In RWE and Uniper v.

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Guest Commentary: New Italian Constitutional Reform: What it Means for Environmental Protection, Future Generations & Climate Litigation


In 2021, the German Federal Constitutional Court ruled in favor of the petitioners and struck down parts of Germany’s climate law as incompatible with fundamental rights for failing to set sufficient provisions for emissions cuts beyond 2030. In Neubauer, et al.

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Shell litigation in the Dutch courts – milestones for private international law and the fight against climate change

Conflict of Laws

In the introduction we mentioned the English Supreme Court ruling in Okpaby v Shell [2021] UKSC 3 of February 2021. Increasingly, it seems, victims of environmental damage and foundations fighting for environmental protection can celebrate victories. For environmental protection, however, Art. To be continued – undoubtedly.