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The Unexpected Ways Professional Organizations Can Boost Your Confidence and Career

Blackstone Career Institute

Joining a professional organization can improve connections with others working in the same field, enhance a person’s resume and career profile, increase professional credibility, and offer continuing personal development and education. Why Join a Professional Association? These programs are offered at Blackstone Career Institute (BCI).

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Certificate Programs Can Be a Stepping Stone to a Healthcare Career

Blackstone Career Institute

The distinctions center on the cost of education and training, the time to complete the program, the requirements to enroll in the program, aspects of career advancement and professional influence, and future potential salaries and job opportunities. Key differences exist between certificate programs and degree programs.

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Get Certified in Your Gap Year

Blackstone Career Institute

In fact, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, average college tuition in the U.S. Medical billing and coding specialists are an essential piece of making sure a doctor’s office runs smoothly! The median salary for medical office assistants was over $42,000 in 2023.