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Capital defendant whose lawyer conceded guilt despite his objection seeks relief from Supreme Court


Share This week we highlight cert petitions that ask the Supreme Court to consider, among other things, a capital defendant’s request for habeas relief on the ground that his lawyer conceded guilt over his objection, as in 2018’s McCoy v. After McCoy , Tyler unsuccessfully sought relief in Louisiana state courts. In Tyler v.

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Ohio Supreme Court Overturns Sentence Adding Six Years After Defendant Called Judge “Racist as F**k”


There is an interesting case out of Ohio where the state Supreme Court has ruled that Lake County Common Pleas Court Judge Eugene Lucci erred when he gave Manson Bryant, 35, an added six years after Bryant called him “racist as f**k.” Sentenced in March 2019, Bryant was respectful and remorseful before the court.

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Victim’s Family in the University of Idaho Murders Appeals Gag Order


However, courts have steadily increased the scope of these orders despite the curtailment of First Amendment rights. 3 to restrict comments from prosecutors, the defense, law enforcement and other officials. 18, she expanded the scope to include attorneys for the victims and their families from speaking with the media.

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Appellate Court Upholds $25 Million Award Against Oberlin in Mob Action Against Family Grocery


Now, an appellate court has upheld a $25 million judgment against the small college and Oberlin earned every penny of that penalty. Oberlin maintained in court filings that the son and grandson of the owners of Gibson’s Bakery “violently and unreasonably attacked” an unarmed student, but that is not how the police viewed it.

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Could Cosby Sue For Wrongful Conviction?


Bill Cosby is a free man after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the conviction that sent him to jail roughly three years ago to serve 3-10 years for sexual assault. He proceeded to incriminate himself in what the Court said was a bait-and-switch. The court yielded to prosecutorial demands that were facially unconstitutional.

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Police Suggest Possible Charges for Those Who Filmed Rape on Train


The law covers violent crimes, sexual assault, and assault of a child. The law requires that individuals “shall as soon as reasonably possible notify the prosecuting attorney, law enforcement, medical assistance, or other public officials.” We have seen criminal charges for videotaping crime scenes in other countries.

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Connecticut High School Student Arrested For Posting Racist Slur


The case could present an important court test for this country in resisting the criminalization of speech that we have seen in Europe. Supreme Court weighs the right of schools to punish students for out-of-school speech in Mahanoy Area School District v. The Supreme Court accelerated that trend in its Morse decision.