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Relist-palooza: Religious exercise, the False Claims Act, takings clause, RICO, bank secrecy, and more


Share The Relist Watch column examines cert petitions that the Supreme Court has “relisted” for its upcoming conference. Because it appears that sitting is mostly empty at the moment, this conference will be a critical one for filling up the court’s calendar. Five years later, the court held in Trans World Airlines v.

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Can U.S. Policing Be Saved?

The Crime Report

Often these community meetings are more likely to be the kinds of residents who are owners instead of renters; they are older residents as opposed to young people, and they may not include immigrants or people who are generally marginalized,” she said. In addition, a study for the Harvard T.H. But even here the balance may be shifting.

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Relist Watch


right now , so what can the Supreme Court do to give us a break from the tedium of endless Zoom meetings ? The court won’t be meeting in conference for four weeks after this Friday. But with so many relists primed to grant, the court may make substantial inroads on filling its fall argument calendar on the next order list.

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