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Update: Upcoming Hearings on Motions to Dismiss Climate Change Nuisance Cases in California and New York


There are eight other climate change tort cases pending: six alleging nuisance and a variety of other state common law violations in California courts, one claiming state public nuisance along with other state common law and statutory violations in Colorado, and one claiming state public nuisance and trespass in Washington.

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November 2020 Updates to the Climate Case Charts


Tenth Circuit Ordered Coal Company to Stop Preparation for Mining in Colorado Roadless Area. Maui asserted causes of action for public nuisance, private nuisance, strict liability failure to warn, negligent failure to warn, and trespass. Bureau of Land Management when the RMP was finalized. Citizens for a Healthy Community v.

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July 2021 Updates to the Climate Case Charts


The District of Utah held that the lease suspensions merely maintained the status quo and therefore were not major federal actions subject to NEPA; the conservation groups therefore lacked standing. In addition, the defendants argued that the claims were not ripe, that the states lacked a cause of action, and that their claims were meritless.

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