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Spooky Torts: The 2023 List of Litigation Horrors


He ruled for both the claim of the Plaintiff and the counterclaim of the Defendant and denied any damages to either party. _ Louis, a Missouri court was faced with a claim from Carly Munoz who in 2019 sent to Six Flags’ Fright Fest with her cousin. In another June 2023 decision in Munoz v. Six Flags St. Toy Company, Inc.

Tort 44
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September 2021 Updates to the Climate Case Charts


Under the Endangered Species Act, the court vacated the FWS’s biological opinion because the incidental take statement lacked “the requisite specificity of mitigation measures for the polar bear” and because the take finding for the polar bear was arbitrary and capricious. Missouri v. Northern Plains Resource Council v. Biden , No.