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Could The Arrest of FBI Agent Undermine The Whitmer Kidnapping Case?


However, Trask was also key to the arrest of men in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. As a criminal defense attorney, I have long been a critic of the degree to which the FBI often pushes defendants to take actions to trigger criminal charges. Courts look to two elements in entrapment cases. Gretchen Whitmer.

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“The Serpent Beguiled Me”: The Whitmer Prosecution and the Entrapment Defense


It appears, however, that Eve’s defense had greater success in Michigan this week after a jury failed to convict a single member of the alleged conspiracy to kidnap and execute Gov. That collapse is now complete after a Michigan jury acquitted two of the four men tried for the conspiracy and then hung on the other two.


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Wayne State Professor Suspended After Declaring that it is “More Admirable” to Shoot Down than Shout Down Conservative Speakers


A professor at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, has been suspended after posting threatening statements on social media posts that suggested that people would be justified in killing speakers who hold opposing views on issues like transgender policies. Wayne State University President M.

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Michigan Legislators Face Calls For Possible Criminal Charges After Meeting With President Trump On Certification


Now, the Michigan Attorney General and others are suggesting that Republicans who oppose certification or even meet with President Donald Trump on the issue could be criminally investigated or charged. Some of these questions are being addressed in the courts. And yet, it’s back.

Statute 59
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A Case of Hope Over Experience: The J6 Referral Falls Short of a Credible Criminal Case


Experts like Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe have previously declared Trump’s felonies were shown “without any doubt, beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond any doubt, and the crimes are obvious.” That speech appears protected by the First Amendment and existing Supreme Court precedent. At 4:17 p.m., In Brandenburg v.

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Cannon Fodder: The Media Piles on Federal Judge After Lionizing Manhattan Judge


Most recently, the left expressed nothing short of horror that Judge Cannon allowed the Trump team to argue a point of constitutional law in a hearing. Thus far, they have been unsuccessful, but none have gone to the Supreme Court. That’s been addressed in multiple courts. It is a baffling lecture. Cannon’s colleagues.