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Michigan Judge Declares She Will Preside Over Planned Parenthood Case Despite Her Prior Representation and Donations


When I was clerking in Louisiana after graduating law school, there was story of a rather notorious local judge asking counsel in a criminal case if he was ready to present the case of the defendant. That law has been treated as dormant given the 1973 decision in Roe v. Gleicher was appointed by Gov.

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Biden to create bipartisan commission on Supreme Court reform


The announcement fulfilled a campaign promise by the president, who last fall proposed the idea of a commission after he declined to endorse efforts by liberals to expand the Supreme Court – efforts that Justice Stephen Breyer criticized in a speech on Tuesday at Harvard Law School. Cardozo School of Law. Guy-Uriel E.


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Biden’s “Come on, Man” Defense Will Not Fly on Religious Freedom


Likewise, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals this month affirmed such a preliminary injunction against Western Michigan University. The issue reached the Supreme Court this week when health workers challenged a similar law in Maine allowing for medical but not religious exemptions.

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“The First Amendment is Out of Control”: Academic and Media Figures Rally Against Free Speech


Starting in secondary schools, we have raised a generation of speech phobics who believe that opposing views are triggering and dangerous. University of Michigan Law Professor and MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade has written how dangerous free speech is for the nation. Anti-free speech books have been heralded in the media.

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Poll: Only 20 Percent of Public Believes Conservatives Enjoy Free Speech Rights on Campuses


Likewise, a study by Georgetown University’s Kevin Tobia and MIT’s Eric Martinez found that only nine percent of law school professors identify as conservative at the top 50 law schools. identified as “conservative,” and only 0.4% as “very conservative.”

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Race and College Admissions: The Supreme Court’s Train Whistle Docket Just Got a Lot Louder


Bollinger , the Court divided 5-4 on upholding admissions criteria used to achieve “diversity” in a class at Michigan Law School. The court has spent decades issuing often conflicting and vague 5-4 rulings on the use of race in admissions. In 2003 in Grutter v.

Court 36
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The Counter-Constitutional Movement: The Assault on America’s Defining Principles


The past few months have seen an explosion of books and articles laying out a new vision of “democracy” unconstrained by constitutional limits on majority power. Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the UC Berkeley law school, is author of “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States,” published last month.