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Animal rights and the First Amendment, due process and a confession of error


Some older Supreme Court decisions support that theory of consent. Some courts read [Supreme Court precedent] as effectively foreclosing [this consent-by-registration theory of jurisdiction], while others insist it remains viable.”.

Statute 103
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Private rights of action, overtime pay, and the constitutionality of a billboard tax


It’s a little surprising the court let stand a federal court decision invalidating a state statute on constitutional grounds, but animal-rights groups defending that decision argued persuasively that state statutes are in a state of flux and it would be premature for the justices to take up the case now.

Statute 81
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We read all the amicus briefs in Dobbs so you don’t have to


Against stare decisis. Many amici focus on the principle of stare decisis – and urge the court not to follow it in this case. They say Roe and Casey are not worthy of the deference that the court typically affords to its prior decisions. In favor of stare decisis. Legislative authority.