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Compensatory damages equal to amount plaintiff paid for home affirmed in fraud case.

Day on Torts

Where there was material evidence to show that plaintiff met her required due diligence, the jury verdict for plaintiff on her intentional misrepresentation and fraud claim was affirmed. Accordingly, the Court ruled that, pursuant to Tenn. internal citation omitted). internal citations omitted).

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Dismissal partially reversed based on fraudulent concealment.

Day on Torts

Taking the allegations in the complaint as true, the Court found that “a trier of fact could determine that Plaintiffs, in the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, could not have discovered this potential cause of their injury until January 2018 due to Defendants’ attempts to conceal this cause.”

Tort 59

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Case against deceased defendant time-barred.

Day on Torts

On appeal, the plaintiff first argued that the civil summons naming defendant should have related back to the date of his first filing under Tennessee Rule of Civil Procedure 15.03. The Court ruled that plaintiff’s “failure to strictly follow the final mandatory step of the survival statute” was “fatal” to his case.

Statute 59
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HCLA statute of limitations for claim against doctor and hospital began to run on same date.

Day on Torts

Where plaintiff knew on October 31, 2017 that her surgeon had wrongly positioned screws during a previous spine surgery, the statute of limitations for her Tennessee HCLA claims against the hospital defendants who allegedly employed the surgeon began to run on that day. Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital , No. M2020-00029-COA-R3-CV (Tenn.

Statute 64
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Finding of conversion and fraudulent concealment affirmed where brother signed sister’s name on check

Day on Torts

Defendant implied in his brief that a check could not be considered “tangible personal property,” but the Court quickly pointed out that “conversion of checks is actionable” in Tennessee, as “checks designate specific amounts of money for use for specific purposes.” internal citations omitted). internal citation omitted).

Divorce 59