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New York City can’t use tort law to sue oil companies over climate change, 2nd Circuit says

ABA Journal

Federal law gives the Environmental Protection Agency, not federal courts, the authority to regulate greenhouse emissions in the United States, a federal appeals court ruled

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Police Suggest Possible Charges for Those Who Filmed Rape on Train


Conversely, New York charged a woman for calling police in a racially charged incident in Central Park. We also discussed a torts case involving a delay in calling police, but that case involved people who were deemed partially responsible for a death. In torts, there is no duty to rescue rule. Bigan , 397 Pa.

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In a first for climate nuisance claims, a Hawai‘i State Court allowed Honolulu to proceed with its case against fossil fuel companies


Starting in 2017, cities, counties, and states across the United States have filed claims (see here and here ) in state courts against fossil fuel companies seeking redress for the climate harms their products have caused. Many of these cases asserted nuisance and other tort law claims. Chevron Corp. Chevron Corp.

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Depp-Heard Verdict Contains Relatively Rare Defamation-by-Counsel Liability


The massive verdict in favor of actor Johnny Depp yesterday constitutes a rare victory of a public figure under the difficult New York Times v. Attorneys are protected by absolute privilege in court in making harmful and even false statements. YouTube screengrab. Sullivan standard for defamation.

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Australia High Court Delivers Major Blow to Free Speech In Defamation Ruling


Despite this history, a new decision out of the High Court is still shocking in its implications for further attacks on free speech. The court ruled that newspapers and television stations that post articles on social media sites like Facebook are liable for other third party comments on those posts.

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Two Professors Face Discipline After Posting Flyers Denouncing a Conservative Colleague


The standard for defamation for public figures and officials in the United States is the product of a decision over 50 years ago in New York Times v. The New York Times had run an advertisement referring to abuses of civil rights marchers and the arrest of Martin Luther King Jr. seven times.

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Indianapolis Police Officer Sues NFL For Defamation in Anti-Racism Campaign


However, this is now a defamation action which could present significant challenges based on the elements for the tort. The standard for defamation for public figures and officials in the United States is the product of a decision decades ago in New York Times v. The complaint alleges per se defamation.

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