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Police Suggest Possible Charges for Those Who Filmed Rape on Train


I am unaware of such a law in Pennsylvania, but these laws are rarely enforced. Conversely, New York charged a woman for calling police in a racially charged incident in Central Park. We have seen criminal charges for videotaping crime scenes in other countries. In torts, there is no duty to rescue rule.

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The long conference’s relists


Vullo involves a lawsuit in which the NRA alleges that Maria Vullo, then the Superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services, violated its First Amendment rights by threatening its business partners to try to encourage them to disassociate from the NRA. New York and 335-7 LLC v. City of New York, NY.

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Who’s Afraid of Punitive Damages? – Conference in Augsburg, Germany

Conflict of Laws

Rademacher took a closer look at the BGH’s landmark decision from 1992, which deemed the concept of punitive damages intolerable in Germany mainly because its function to punish and deter doesn’t fall in the scope of German private law’s concept of strict compensation; punishment and deterrence are entirely reserved for criminal law.

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Australia High Court Delivers Major Blow to Free Speech In Defamation Ruling


The standard for defamation for public figures and officials in the United States is the product of a decision decades ago in New York Times v. The Supreme Court ruled that tort law could not be used to overcome First Amendment protections for free speech or the free press.

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Houston Man Arrested As Police Continue Search For Missing Tiger


He is facing both criminal and potential tort liability for the tiger incident. Notably, according to the New York Post, there were also two monkeys living with Cuevas in the house but that is not itself unlawful. On the tort side, Cuevas is liable for any injuries caused by a wild animal in his possession.

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Indianapolis Police Officer Sues NFL For Defamation in Anti-Racism Campaign


However, this is now a defamation action which could present significant challenges based on the elements for the tort. The standard for defamation for public figures and officials in the United States is the product of a decision decades ago in New York Times v. The complaint alleges per se defamation.

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In celebration of Thanksgiving, I give you our annual Turkey Torts of civil and criminal cases that add liability to libations on this special day (with past cases at the bottom). Indeed, the torts and crimes recorded this year seem painfully reminiscent of this loathsome year. Some 1,800 ate the catered meal.

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