Mon.Jun 24, 2024

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New Legal Ethics Opinion Cautions Lawyers: You ‘Must Be Proficient’ In the Use of Generative AI


A new legal ethics opinion on the use of generative AI in law practice makes one point very clear: lawyers are required to maintain competence across all technological means relevant to their practices, and that includes the use of generative AI.

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Canada Ambassador raises human rights concerns during visit in Xinjiang Uyghur region


Canada’s Ambassador to China, Jennifer May, visited the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region from June 19 to 22, where she expressed concerns over well-documented human rights violations, according to a statement by Global Affairs Canada. During the visit, May met with Xinjiang Party Secretary MA Xingrui and other senior officials of the regional government of Xinjiang as part of Canada’s diplomatic engagement with China.

Education 249

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Who Is Responsible for the High Cost of Prescription Drugs? One Advocate Weighs In

Above The Law

Multiple stakeholders are to blame for prescription drug costs, including pharmaceutical companies and PBMs, according to Merith Basey, executive director of Patients for Affordable Drugs. The post Who Is Responsible for the High Cost of Prescription Drugs? One Advocate Weighs In appeared first on MedCity News.

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INTERPOL arrests 219 suspects in large-scale multinational operation against human trafficking


INTERPOL announced on Monday that national authorities from 39 countries coordinated a large-scale operation from June 3-9 targeting the criminal networks behind human trafficking which resulted in 219 arrests and the identification of 1,374 potential victims including 153 children. The operation, codenamed GLOBAL CHAIN, was led by Austria and involved coordination with Romania, FRONTEX , Europol , and INTERPOL.

Legal 211
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Empower Your Firm: The Modern Guide To Litigation Financing

Litigation is expensive. Expert witnesses, depositions, staffing, and a long list of other expenses can limit your firm’s options. They strain cash flow, limit taking on new clients, and can even impact case strategy. This guide simplifies the complex world of litigation financing and compares different models and how they can impact the access to justice your firm provides to clients.

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Biglaw Firms Ranked On How Much Their Work Contributes To Climate Change (2024)

Above The Law

The Biglaw firms that did the best and the worst when it comes to exacerbating climate change. The post Biglaw Firms Ranked On How Much Their Work Contributes To Climate Change (2024) appeared first on Above the Law.

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“Justice Kavanaugh, Umpires, and the ‘No Serious Person Approach’ to Constitutional Interpretation”


“Justice Kavanaugh, Umpires, and the ‘No Serious Person Approach’ to Constitutional Interpretation”: Eric Segall has this blog post at “Dorf on Law.

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Kenya dispatch: Kenyans endure a weekend of abductions and nights of terror after youth protests against Finance Bill


David Odero is a law student at Kisii University and a special correspondent for JURIST. He filed this dispatch from Nairobi. Friday through Sunday, 21 st – 23 rd of June, were marked in Kenya by a series of abductions of anti-Finance Bill 2024 activists while the number of those who died as a result of the Thursday demonstrations rose to 2 as another injured person succumbed to his injuries Friday night.

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Elon Musk Argues Twitter Flip-Flopping Not Manipulation Because His Legal Case Was So Bad

Above The Law

In a real galaxy brain take, Musk's lawyers claim no reasonable investor could've believed what Musk spent months and massive resources trying to litigate. The post Elon Musk Argues Twitter Flip-Flopping Not Manipulation Because His Legal Case Was So Bad appeared first on Above the Law.

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European Commission preliminarily finds Apple in violation of Digital Markets Act


The European Commission informed Apple on Monday that it preliminarily found App Store Rules to be in breach of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Apple is accused of preventing app developers from freely steering consumers to alternative channels for offers and content. The Commission also opened a non-compliance procedure against Apple, concerned that its new contractual requirements for third-party developers do not ensure effective compliance with the DMA.

Contract 104
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Transforming eDiscovery: Document Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, And Chatbots Take Center Stage

A Synergistic Approach to eDiscovery In the space of eDiscovery, the convergence of document summarization, sentiment analysis, and chatbots represents a significant change in how legal professionals navigate and manage electronic information. These technologies not only expedite the review process but also empower legal teams with deeper insights into the emotional context and key information within electronic documents.

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Court adds seven cases to next term’s docket


Share The Supreme Court on Monday added seven new cases to its merits docket for the 2024-25 term, including a challenge to Tennessee’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors. (That case is covered in a separate story.) In a list of orders from the justices’ private conference on June 20, the court agreed to take up a wide variety of issues, ranging from the interpretation of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to compensation for civilians called up for active-duty military service.

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India authorities arrest 5 additional suspects in NEET paper leak case


The Economic Offences Unit of the Bihar Police in India arrested 5 more suspects in the NEET paper leak case on Sunday. This increases the total number of people detained in the case to 18. This development followed the filing of a First Information Report by the Central Bureau of Investigation, concerning the controversy around the National Eligibility cum- Entrance Test (NEET), which has resulted in protests all across the country.

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“The Supreme Court’s Dubious Use of History in Department of State v. Munoz; Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s majority opinion includes significant efforts, and violates some of her own precepts against excessive reliance on questionable history”


“The Supreme Court’s Dubious Use of History in Department of State v. Munoz; Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s majority opinion includes significant efforts, and violates some of her own precepts against excessive reliance on questionable history”: Ilya Somin has this post at “The Volokh Conspiracy.

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UN Secretary-General warns Russia must ‘abide by’ UN Sanctions on North Korea


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Friday that Russia must abide by UN sanctions on North Korea, following an agreement between the two countries last week to provide military assistance to each other in case of military aggression. Speaking to reporters at the UN headquarters in New York, Guterres stated that “Any relationship that any country has with DPRK, including the Russian Federation, must entirely abide by those sanctions.

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Recipe for a Failed CLM Implementation

Selecting and implementing CLM technology can be daunting, leading to underutilization or abandonment. Factors like provider differentiation, inadequate planning, and lack of user training contribute to these failures. Recognizing these pitfalls is crucial for successful adoption, ensuring organizations harness the full potential of CLM for streamlined contract management.

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“Is the United States Too Devoted to the Constitution? A new book argues that worship of the Constitution has distorted our politics.”


“Is the United States Too Devoted to the Constitution? A new book argues that worship of the Constitution has distorted our politics.” Law professor John Fabian Witt has this essay online at The New Republic.

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Nepal dispatch: latest rape of a menstruating woman in a Chhaupadi shed highlights gender inequality and injustice


Law students and law graduates in Nepal are reporting for JURIST on events in that country impacting its legal system. Smriti Pantha is a graduate of the Kathmandu University School of Law. She files this from Kathmandu. Chhaupadi is an age-old social malpractice in Nepal, predominantly observed in the Karnali and Far-Western Provinces. The term ‘Chhaupadi’ derives from Chhau, meaning “untouchable or unclean”, and padi refering to “being or becoming.

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“In Texas, the Fight Over Abortion Has Gotten Hyperlocal; From billboards to attempts at restricting roads to two college professors trying to track students’ movements, the state has become a battleground in a whole new way”


“In Texas, the Fight Over Abortion Has Gotten Hyperlocal; From billboards to attempts at restricting roads to two college professors trying to track students’ movements, the state has become a battleground in a whole new way”: Laura Hallas has this Jurisprudence essay online at Slate.

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Australia government to impose mandatory behaviour code on supermarkets


The Australian Federal Government announced on Monday that it would make the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct mandatory for Australia’s grocery giants, opening up the possibility of $10 million fines. The announcement comes as a direct response to a report by former labor minister Dr. Craig Emerson, who was tasked in January with leading a review into whether the Code of Conduct remained fit for purpose.

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Contract Lifecycle Management: A Business Enabler Exploring On-Ground Challenges

CLM tools have always strived to push contract management into the digital age for almost 30 years. But the complexities of digitising a legal document are numerous. The current scenarios in business development have shown that having a fully automated CLM has become a mandate for every law firm and in-house legal department. To determine if you need a CLM system, it's essential to clearly identify the on-ground business challenges you aim to solve.

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“Louisiana Parents Sue to Block Display of Ten Commandments in Schools; A law enacted last week requires the display of the commandments in every public classroom; The parents argued it ‘pressures students into religious observance’”


“Louisiana Parents Sue to Block Display of Ten Commandments in Schools; A law enacted last week requires the display of the commandments in every public classroom; The parents argued it ‘pressures students into religious observance’”: Rick Rojas of The New York Times has this report.

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Law School Accused Of Hoarding Funds Donated For Korematsu Center

Above The Law

With the civil rights center poised to change schools, the former institution is allegedly holding onto the money. The post Law School Accused Of Hoarding Funds Donated For Korematsu Center appeared first on Above the Law.

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“In Abortion Cases, Legions of ‘Friends’ Seek to Persuade Supreme Court; A new study analyzed 50 years of friend-of-the-court briefs and found that abortion opponents were more relentless than their adversaries, with some reflected in the justices’ opinions”


“In Abortion Cases, Legions of ‘Friends’ Seek to Persuade Supreme Court; A new study analyzed 50 years of friend-of-the-court briefs and found that abortion opponents were more relentless than their adversaries, with some reflected in the justices’ opinions”: Adam Liptak will have this new installment of his “Sidebar” column in Tuesday’s edition of The New York Times.

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BarBri Pledges To ‘Revolutionize’ Bar Prep For NextGen Bar Exam

Above The Law

Will this new approach to bar prep deliver better results? The post BarBri Pledges To ‘Revolutionize’ Bar Prep For NextGen Bar Exam appeared first on Above the Law.

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California Civil Discovery Act Undergoes Significant Overhaul

Short article looking at the new CCP 2016.

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“The Supreme Court Keeps Misfiring on Guns; In its Rahimi opinion, the Court listened to our brief as historians and upheld restrictions on domestic abusers; But it was only a tiny victory because, when it comes to firearms, the justices continue to legislate from the bench”


“The Supreme Court Keeps Misfiring on Guns; In its Rahimi opinion, the Court listened to our brief as historians and upheld restrictions on domestic abusers; But it was only a tiny victory because, when it comes to firearms, the justices continue to legislate from the bench”: Professors Holly Brewer and Laura F. Edwards have this essay online at Washington Monthly.

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South Carolina Lawyer Gets Slap On The Wrist After Swindling Millions From Victims

Above The Law

Weird way to reward people who served. The post South Carolina Lawyer Gets Slap On The Wrist After Swindling Millions From Victims appeared first on Above the Law.

Lawyer 116
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“As Trump’s Documents Case Crawls Along, Questions About Judge Abound; Trial in Florida is nowhere in sight as Judge Aileen Cannon gives the former president’s legal team chances to argue against prosecution”


“As Trump’s Documents Case Crawls Along, Questions About Judge Abound; Trial in Florida is nowhere in sight as Judge Aileen Cannon gives the former president’s legal team chances to argue against prosecution”: C. Ryan Barber of The Wall Street Journal has this report.

Legal 100
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Can’t Just Commit Felonies On The Clock And Keep Your License In Tennessee

Above The Law

Practice being honest or lose your practice! The post Can’t Just Commit Felonies On The Clock And Keep Your License In Tennessee appeared first on Above the Law.

Felony 114
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Dangers of Digital "Reporting": Legal Risks and Unreliable Transcripts

In the world of legal proceedings, the choice between a certified stenographer and digital "reporting" holds significant implications. Certified stenographers go through rigorous training and testing and stand as the gold standard for accuracy in capturing every word. Their expertise ensures a reliable record, a crucial foundation for legal cases.

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“Why an Immigration Case Has Sotomayor Writing About Abortion: The Supreme Court’s liberals don’t like seeing fundamental rights get narrower and narrower, whether that’s autonomy or marriage.”


“Why an Immigration Case Has Sotomayor Writing About Abortion: The Supreme Court’s liberals don’t like seeing fundamental rights get narrower and narrower, whether that’s autonomy or marriage.” Law professor Noah Feldman has this essay online at Bloomberg Opinion.

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Breaking The Chains Of Hierarchy: Why ‘Nonlawyer’ Must Go

Above The Law

The term is more than just a label; it reflects outdated hierarchies and is a barrier to a more inclusive and collaborative legal environment. The post Breaking The Chains Of Hierarchy: Why ‘Nonlawyer’ Must Go appeared first on Above the Law.

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“Transgender Rights Advocates’ Last Best Hope Is Neil Gorsuch and John Roberts”


“Transgender Rights Advocates’ Last Best Hope Is Neil Gorsuch and John Roberts”: Mark Joseph Stern has this Jurisprudence essay online at Slate.