Sun.Jun 23, 2024

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Ireland criminal barristers to strike in July over pay dispute


The Irish Bar Council on Saturday announced a strike on three dates next month due to a lack of progress on pay restoration. The council recommended to its members in criminal practice withdraw service on July 9, 15 and 24 as an escalation from the action taken by barristers last October when they held their first-ever strike to call on the government to restore cuts to criminal legal aid funding.

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Away Game: Law Firms Need Policies for Remote Workers

NCBA Law Practice Management Blog

Working from home ain’t the same as working in the office. I mean, you can’t do your laundry at the office – unless you have a really nice office setup. Now, the thing that’s interesting is that most law firms – most employers, I would go so far as to say – treat in-office and virtual employees the same way. That’s a combination of inertia, and a failure of imagination.

Law Firm 130

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France prosecutors charge Paris teens with ‘terrorist conspiracy’ aimed at Jewish targets amid surge of antisemitic violence


Prosecutors in France have charged a 19-year-old man and another, minor, youth in the vicinity of Paris with ‘terrorist conspiracy’ after they were found to be planning a militant terrorist attack on Jewish targets, a judicial source told Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Friday. The teens, who met via social media, were allegedly planning a “violent action notably aiming at Jewish targets,” the source told AFP.

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“The Fifth Circuit’s Public Library Police: Do federal judges need to weigh in on ‘Larry the Farting Leprechaun’?”


“The Fifth Circuit’s Public Library Police: Do federal judges need to weigh in on ‘Larry the Farting Leprechaun’?” The Wall Street Journal has published this editorial.

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Empower Your Firm: The Modern Guide To Litigation Financing

Litigation is expensive. Expert witnesses, depositions, staffing, and a long list of other expenses can limit your firm’s options. They strain cash flow, limit taking on new clients, and can even impact case strategy. This guide simplifies the complex world of litigation financing and compares different models and how they can impact the access to justice your firm provides to clients.

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Sri Lanka navy arrests 22 India fishermen for alleged illegal fishing


The Sri Lanka Navy arrested 22 Indian fishermen on Saturday for alleged illegal fishing in the island nation’s waters and seized three fishing vessels. The fishermen were arrested from the North Sea near Delft Islands during a search operation conducted on Saturday night. Navy Spokesperson Captain Gayan Wickramasuriya said that the arrested fishermen would be taken to Kankesanturai fishing harbor for further legal proceedings.

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India government removes National Testing Agency head amid medical entrance test scandal


The Indian government removed on Saturday the director general of the National Testing Agency (NTA), Subodh Kumar Singh, amid the ongoing National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) scandal. The NEET UG exam has been under heightened scrutiny since NTA declared the result on June 14 and was accused of corruption and unfair practices. Shri Pradeep Singh Kharola was appointed as the director general of NTA until further orders or appointment of the incumbent director general, whichever is earli

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“Judicial Notice (06.23.24): Whose Originalism? A prominent professor attacks a conservative judge, Judge Cannon returns to the news, litigation boutiques announce bonuses, and a lateral hire comes undone.”


“Judicial Notice (06.23.24): Whose Originalism? A prominent professor attacks a conservative judge, Judge Cannon returns to the news, litigation boutiques announce bonuses, and a lateral hire comes undone.” David Lat has this post at his “Original Jurisdiction” Substack site.

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Iran Supreme Leader bans judges from basing decisions on Western human rights principles


The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei ordered the country’s judiciary not to refer to Western human rights principles in their decisions, in a Saturday speech during a meeting with the country’s Judiciary Chief and other senior judiciary officials. The Supreme Leader said that the principles are incorrect and described Western countries as hypocritical.

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“The ‘Fix’ Is in With the Latest Attack on Clarence Thomas; A report from a self-styled non-ideological Supreme Court watchdog is filled with errors and omissions”


“The ‘Fix’ Is in With the Latest Attack on Clarence Thomas; A report from a self-styled non-ideological Supreme Court watchdog is filled with errors and omissions”: Mark Paoletta will have this op-ed in Monday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal.

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Transforming eDiscovery: Document Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, And Chatbots Take Center Stage

A Synergistic Approach to eDiscovery In the space of eDiscovery, the convergence of document summarization, sentiment analysis, and chatbots represents a significant change in how legal professionals navigate and manage electronic information. These technologies not only expedite the review process but also empower legal teams with deeper insights into the emotional context and key information within electronic documents.

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Thousands demonstrate in Ireland after soldier convicted for assault gets suspended sentence


Thousands of people demonstrated Saturday around Ireland in support of the victim of an attack by an Irish soldier who was given a suspended sentence last week. In response to the support of people across the nation for her cause, attack victim Natasha O’Brien stated : I’d like to say I’m absolutely overwhelmed by your solidarity and your support, and without your rage, your outrage, your fear, and your horror, this would not have been looked at.

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“Abortion access has won when it’s been on the ballot. That’s not an option for half the states.”


“Abortion access has won when it’s been on the ballot. That’s not an option for half the states.” Kimberlee Kruesi, Christine Fernando, and Leah Willingham of The Associated Press have this report.

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France authorities detain New Caledonia independence leader in mainland France following court charges


Christian Tein, leader of the New Caledonian independence group “CCAT cell,” will be detained in mainland France after being charged on Saturday in connection with violent protests on the island territory, according to local media and statements from his lawyer to the press. Tein will be transferred almost 17,000 kilometers (10,500 miles) to France from New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific about 1,500 kilometers east of Australia.

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“Will latest Supreme Court decision affect California bans on assault weapons, magazines?”


“Will latest Supreme Court decision affect California bans on assault weapons, magazines?” Kevin Rector of The Los Angeles Times has this report.

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Recipe for a Failed CLM Implementation

Selecting and implementing CLM technology can be daunting, leading to underutilization or abandonment. Factors like provider differentiation, inadequate planning, and lack of user training contribute to these failures. Recognizing these pitfalls is crucial for successful adoption, ensuring organizations harness the full potential of CLM for streamlined contract management.

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How Does Rules-Based Calendaring Actually Work?


Rules-based calendaring is a smart, technologically advanced tool designed to navigate the tangle of legal rules and deadlines, helping you manage your time and tasks more effectively. At its core, a rules-based calendaring system is a sophisticated feature integrated into many types of law firm management software. But it’s more than just a digital tool for jotting down dates and events.

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“On this criminal sentencing ‘occasion,’ the Supreme Court abandoned logic”


“On this criminal sentencing ‘occasion,’ the Supreme Court abandoned logic”: Quin Hillyer has this essay online at Washington Examiner.

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A Californian Judgment fails the Provisional Sentence test in South African Courts

Conflict of Laws

Solomon Okorley Ph.D, University of Johannesburg, and affiliated with the Research Centre for Private International Law in Emerging Countries at the University of Johannesburg. Introduction South Africa is one of the most developed countries on the African continent and a key country in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) economic bloc.

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“Rahimi Is Here and It Is Glorious”


“Rahimi Is Here and It Is Glorious”: You can access the new episode of the “Advisory Opinions” podcast via this link.

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Contract Lifecycle Management: A Business Enabler Exploring On-Ground Challenges

CLM tools have always strived to push contract management into the digital age for almost 30 years. But the complexities of digitising a legal document are numerous. The current scenarios in business development have shown that having a fully automated CLM has become a mandate for every law firm and in-house legal department. To determine if you need a CLM system, it's essential to clearly identify the on-ground business challenges you aim to solve.

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The top three AI use cases for in-house counsel


More than ever before, legal teams are leveraging AI to reduce overheads and position themselves as strategic business partners. But in a crowded marketplace of solutions, which generative AI legal use cases are no-brainers for in-house counsel? To fulfil our roles as high-performing business partners, it’s critical that in-house legal teams are able to deliver the strategic advice that matters most to our organizations.

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“Clarence Thomas and John Roberts Are at a Fork in the Road”


“Clarence Thomas and John Roberts Are at a Fork in the Road”: Columnist David French has this essay online at The New York Times.

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Does Justice Thomas Hate Invention or Just the Hubris of Inventors?

Patently O

by Dennis Crouch The Supreme Court recently decided Moore v. United States , — U.S. — (June 20, 2024), a case focusing on the constitutionality of the Mandatory Repatriation Tax (MRT). While the majority opinion, authored by Justice Kavanaugh, upheld the MRT, Justice Thomas published a strong dissent relying upon an invention metaphor in a decidedly negative light, something that he has done in several other recent opinions.

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“It’s Time for a Rahimi Pop Quiz!”


“It’s Time for a Rahimi Pop Quiz!” Joseph Fishkin has this post at the “Balkinization” blog.

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California Civil Discovery Act Undergoes Significant Overhaul

Short article looking at the new CCP 2016.

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Wales Moves Forward With Plan to Punish Politicians for Telling Lies


Will Rogers once said that “if you ever injected truth into politics, you’d have no politics.” In Wales, it appears that the government is challenging that assessment. However, if the new legislation criminalizing political lies is successful, the Welsh are likely to find themselves with the same abundance of lies but little free speech.

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China sanctions US arms company over arms trade with Taiwan


China announced sanctions against US arms company Lockheed Martin in response to the US sale of arms to Taiwan on Friday. The spokesperson of the Chinese foreign ministry Linjian contended that the arms deal violates the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, especially the August 17 Communiqué of 1982. These sanctions resulted in total asset freezing and a ban on Chinese people or companies interacting with Lockheed Martin and its executives or subsidiaries, including Loc

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DEA’s Expected Guidance: It Should Reduce Current “Pain” at the (Intrathecal Pain) Pump Dispensing Process and Improve Therapeutic Outcomes

FDA Law Blog

By John A. Gilbert & Karla L. Palmer — For more than 50 years, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has enforced the central mandate of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to maintain a closed chain of distribution for drugs with a potential for abuse and diversion. The CSA and regulations promulgated by DEA are intended to reduce the potential for diversion and abuse and ensure that controlled substances are dispensed and delivered to patients for a legitimate medical purpose.

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Togo authorities announce end of suspension on foreign press accreditations


Togo’s High Authority for Audiovisual and Communication (HAAC) announced the end of its suspension of accreditation for foreign news organizations, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said Friday. The decision comes two months after accreditations were suspended, something RSF called “a flagrant violation of press freedom.” French journalist Thomas Dietrich entered Togo to cover the political unrest in response to a constitutional revision.

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Dangers of Digital "Reporting": Legal Risks and Unreliable Transcripts

In the world of legal proceedings, the choice between a certified stenographer and digital "reporting" holds significant implications. Certified stenographers go through rigorous training and testing and stand as the gold standard for accuracy in capturing every word. Their expertise ensures a reliable record, a crucial foundation for legal cases.

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Japan authorities investigate hotel’s refusal of accommodation to Israeli guest


Authorities in Kyoto are investigating an incident where a hotel allegedly denied accommodation to an Israeli man, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Yoko Kamikawa, stated on Friday. An Israeli man claimed that his reservation was denied because the hotel believed he might have ties to the Israel Defense Forces and their actions in Gaza. The hotel cited concerns that providing lodging to individuals who might have assisted or could be assisting in warfare activities forbidden by internati

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Thousands rally against anti-LGBTQ+ legislation at Budapest Pride March


Over 30,000 people marched in Budapest Pride on Saturday and protested Hungary’s anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, according to local media. Ambassadors from various countries attended the event, including US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman. Pressman emphasized the United States’ support for the march, stating that the US “will always march alongside those standing up for human dignity, fighting to advance freedom.” The US Embassy to Hungary was one of 44 embassies and cultur

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ICRC decries shelling attack near humanitarian structures in Gaza


The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemned on Friday the shelling attack that took place near its Gaza office, killing 22 people and injuring 45 who had taken shelter near the building. In a statement on X, the ICRC did not identify who committed the attack but condemned the firing near humanitarian structures. They emphasized that the conflicting parties are obligated to take all “feasible precautions to avoid harm to civilians and damage to civilian objects” unde

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