November, 2013

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Arizona’s Net Metering Battle Resolved, With Modest Fee Added for Solar


By Sascha Yim, Guest Blogger*. In the latest development in the country’s unfolding net metering battle, the Arizona Corporation Commission recently ruled that the state’s utility, Arizona Public Service (APS), could impose a $0.70 per kilowatt charge on solar customers beginning in 2014. The decision comes at a time when the future of net metering policy is one of the solar industry’s most hotly debated issues.

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FCC Allows More Than 25% Foreign Ownership of Broadcast Stations – Instructions for Investors are to Be Developed

Broadcast Law Blog

'Last week, the FCC issued a declaratory ruling concluding that its long-standing policies on foreign ownership of broadcast stations were misunderstood – “clarifying” its policy to make clear that, if alien ownership exceeds 25% of the holding company of a licensee, it may in fact be permissible. The Commission decided to adopt a case-by-case approach to determine if any proposed alien ownership in excess of 25% is in the public interest.


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Contraceptive Coverage Mandate under Review

The Paralegal Resource

The Supreme Court of the U.S recently agreed to take into consideration the challenges that have been raised against Affordable Care Act introduced by President Obama. The court will decide on whether employers who have religious objections can refuse providing mandate contraceptive insurance coverage to their workers or not.

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Paralegals Need These Personality Traits - Part 2

Paralegal Mentor

In Part 1 of You Need These Personality Traits , eleven important personality traits paralegals should possess were identified and explained. The traits listed in Part 1 included: Adaptable, Anticipative, Confident, Conscientious, Decisive; Disciplined; Discreet; Efficient; Ethical; Flexible; Focused; and Hardworking. If you missed that article, follow this link to access it.

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Empower Your Firm: The Modern Guide To Litigation Financing

Litigation is expensive. Expert witnesses, depositions, staffing, and a long list of other expenses can limit your firm’s options. They strain cash flow, limit taking on new clients, and can even impact case strategy. This guide simplifies the complex world of litigation financing and compares different models and how they can impact the access to justice your firm provides to clients.

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The EU ETS’s most recent challenges


Teresa Parejo. Associate Professor of Law (Carlos III University). Visiting Scholar at the Center for Climate Change Law. The EU ETS (European Union Emissions Trading System), the most important EU tool to fight against climate change, is now facing two challenges of great significance: 1. In October 2013, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly agreed to develop a global market-based mechanism (MBM) by 2016 addressing international aviation emissions and to apply it by 202

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New Music Royalty Rates for Ephemeral Recordings Used By Business Establishment Services

Broadcast Law Blog

'“ Business Establishment Services ” are copyright-speak for those music services that provide background music to commercial establishments. These services have come a long way from the elevator music that once was so derided – and now set the mood in everything from retail clothing stores to restaurants to department stores with formats as varied as the commercial businesses themselves.

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FCC Proposals For AM Improvements – Part 1 – A Restricted FM Translator Window and an End to the Mattoon Waiver?

Broadcast Law Blog

'The FCC’s proposals for aiding AM radio have been released in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – one of the last actions for broadcasters under Acting FCC Chairman Mignon Clyburn (see our article here on the leftover broadcast issues with which her successor as chairman, Tom Wheeler, will have to deal ). The proposals for revitalizing the AM band that were contained in the NPRM are all ones that the Acting Chair had previewed at the NAB Radio Show , which we summarized in our article about that

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FCC Proposals for AM Radio Part 2 – Comment Deadline Dates, Site Moves and Unaddressed Questions

Broadcast Law Blog

'A few weeks ago, we wrote about the most immediate part of the FCC’s plan for the revitalization of AM radio – providing more FM translators for AM stations. As the FCC has just announced the deadline dates for the filing of public comments on the reform proposals, setting the comment deadline for January 21 and the reply comment deadline on February 18 , we thought that it was time to return to the subject to address some of the FCC’s other proposals.

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Odds and Ends: Extension of Biennial Ownership Report Deadline, $110,000 Penalty for Indecency, Deadline for UHF Discount Comments, and Closing of the LPFM Window

Broadcast Law Blog

'Last week brought a number of Washington developments that we’ll write about in more detail soon, including the FCC’s decision to relax the limitations on foreign ownership of broadcast stations. But there were also a number of other actions that bear mention – including the decision released late Friday to extend the deadline for the filing of Biennial Ownership reports that are to be filed by all commercial broadcasters – including AM, FM, TV.

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Transforming eDiscovery: Document Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, And Chatbots Take Center Stage

A Synergistic Approach to eDiscovery In the space of eDiscovery, the convergence of document summarization, sentiment analysis, and chatbots represents a significant change in how legal professionals navigate and manage electronic information. These technologies not only expedite the review process but also empower legal teams with deeper insights into the emotional context and key information within electronic documents.

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Odds and Ends – Divestiture Trusts, Shared Services Agreements and Determinations of Significantly Viewed Stations

Broadcast Law Blog

'Sometimes the FCC decisions come out in a flurry, often with little nuggets of importance in each one. Rather than trying to write about each one, we’ll from time to time, just try to highlight those nuggets for your consideration. At the end of last week, three decisions came out with just such nuggets – all dealing with different issues. The first case involved the issue of divestiture trusts – trusts set up to hold broadcast assets when a buyer of broadcast properties, usually in connecti

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Supreme Court Rules Warrant Required to Take Blood from Drunk Drivers

The Paralegal Resource

In April, the Supreme Court of United States had passed its judgment in the Missouri v. McNeel Case that police officers will be required to get a warrant for taking blood from people who are suspected of drunk driving. This case was important because it brought up the principles mentioned in the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of United States, the requirement of warrant and many other cases which included destruction of evidence.

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Ethical Technology Use

The Paralegal Resource

The modern practice of law is rapidly moving to an online base. A majority of the lawyers today have completely made the shift from a pen and legal pad to virtually paperless offices. Technology has had a great impact on the way that lawyers are now functioning. It allows an attorney to be completely mobile and have all valuable information at their fingertips, irrespective of time and place.

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December Regulatory Deadlines For Broadcasters – Renewals, Ownership Reports, CALM Act, and TV Form 317

Broadcast Law Blog

'While we were sidetracked by the government shutdown in posting reminders about regulatory deadlines for broadcasters during the last two months, it’s about time to put that behind us, and to resume our monthly practice. While everyone may be looking forward to the holidays, they need to remember that December does bring a number of regulatory obligations for broadcasters across the country.

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Recipe for a Failed CLM Implementation

Selecting and implementing CLM technology can be daunting, leading to underutilization or abandonment. Factors like provider differentiation, inadequate planning, and lack of user training contribute to these failures. Recognizing these pitfalls is crucial for successful adoption, ensuring organizations harness the full potential of CLM for streamlined contract management.

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ObamaCare "Navigators" Caught Encouraging Applicants to be Dishonest on Applications

The Paralegal Resource

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, generally called the Affordable Care Act, or simply ?ObamaCare?, refers to a recent federal statute (2010) that regulates the healthcare system of the United States. Recent findings point towards immense political fraud.

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New York Decides on Retirement Age for Judges

The Paralegal Resource

The new propositions that were given out recently mentioned the age of retirement of Judges of State Supreme court. According to one of the propositions, the mandatory age of retirement for justices serving in State Supreme Courts as well as Court of Appeals will be raised to 80.

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While Our Blog Was Getting A Makeover, Did You See Our Stories on the New FCC Chairman, Foreign Ownership of Broadcast Stations, AM Revitalization, Orson Welles and the Hoax Rule and More?

Broadcast Law Blog

'There have been many Washington developments for broadcasters in the last week – and while it was all occurring, our Blog was undergoing a makeover, so some of the articles that we published in the last week may have been missed. Perhaps the biggest news was the confirmation and swearing in of the new FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler. Last week, we wrote this article setting out the many legal issues of relevance to broadcasters that will be facing the new Chair.

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Effective Strategies for File and Case Management

The Paralegal Resource

It is common knowledge that a proper case management system can transform even the most disorganized of law firms. As a paralegal or legal assistant, the tumultuous task of organizing files and cases falls on your hands and it is up to you to turn the entire firm around. The good news is that if you know how to organize the documents the right way, you won't have to struggle too much.

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Contract Lifecycle Management: A Business Enabler Exploring On-Ground Challenges

CLM tools have always strived to push contract management into the digital age for almost 30 years. But the complexities of digitising a legal document are numerous. The current scenarios in business development have shown that having a fully automated CLM has become a mandate for every law firm and in-house legal department. To determine if you need a CLM system, it's essential to clearly identify the on-ground business challenges you aim to solve.

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Top Five Apps for Paralegals

The Paralegal Resource

As a paralegal or legal assistant for a law firm, you hold an important position with the responsibility of ensuring uniformity and order within the firm. In your role, timing and precision are everything. To find success in your line of work, it is important for you to deliver accurate and reliable work on time and according to a strict schedule. With such a demanding role, you could turn toward technology and find the best tools that can help you complete your tasks smoothly.

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DOJ & JPMorgan Finalizing $13 Billion Settlement

The Paralegal Resource

The biggest bank in the country, JPMorgan Chase & Co, is all set to be the single company to be the highest penalty payer in the history of America. The banks and Department of Justice of U.S have almost finalized the agreement which states that JPMorgan will be paying around $13 billion to the department. The bank has agreed.