January, 2014

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Super Bowl, the Olympics and March Madness – Watch Your Advertising and Promotions for Unauthorized Uses of Trademarked Phrases

Broadcast Law Blog

'It’s that time again when broadcasters and advertisers need to watch their commercials and promotions to avoid improper uses of trademarked phrases – with the Super Bowl only weeks away, the Winter Olympics to follow soon thereafter and March Madness to follow closely after that. Already, Stephen Colbert is making jokes about not using the Olympic rings in promotional announcements (see the first segment of last night’s show ), so you know that the issue is arising at media outlets

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Case Assessment Strategies

The Paralegal Resource

If you are a paralegal, chances are you help clients or lawyers with legal issues such as an eviction or completion of some documents before filing them in the courthouse. As a paralegal, you will no doubt need soft skills such as the ability to communicate, draft error-free documents, and manage your time well.


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Finding Law Online

Paralegal Essentials

The following link to the Library of Congress website has some good information and links to law resources online. Guide to Law Online. You may want to keep a list of websites where you can find information about the law for use while you are in school studying to be a paralegal and even after you graduate. You could certainly keep useful websites in your Favorites on your desktop for ease in finding them.

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Paralegals Can Cook: Beef Stroganoff

Paralegal Mentor

Karen Glenn McElroy, PP, PLS, NALS President Elect shared this recipe with Paralegal Strategies readers. Since it is made in a slow cooker, it is perfect for a day when you're too busy to cook or one of those cold winter days when you're craving comfort food. Thanks, Karen! Karen Glenn McElroy's Beef Stroganoff 2 lbs. beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch cubes 1 can condensed (10-3/4 oz.) cream of mushroom soup, undiluted 1 can condensed (10-3/4 oz.) cream of celery soup, undiluted 1 medium onion, ch

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Empower Your Firm: The Modern Guide To Litigation Financing

Litigation is expensive. Expert witnesses, depositions, staffing, and a long list of other expenses can limit your firm’s options. They strain cash flow, limit taking on new clients, and can even impact case strategy. This guide simplifies the complex world of litigation financing and compares different models and how they can impact the access to justice your firm provides to clients.

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New Columbia Resource Tracks the President’s Climate Action Plan


On June 25, 2013, President Obama delivered a major speech on the topic of climate change. In it he outlined a broad policy agenda aimed at addressing the challenges posed by the changing climate. The agenda, detailed in The President’s Climate Action Plan , relies almost entirely upon executive powers; Congress is not even mentioned in the text. The diverse policy initiatives taking place under the rubric of the six-month-old Climate Action Plan are complex in their design, potentially signific

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What’s Up in Washington For Broadcasters in 2014? — Part 2, Issues beyond the FCC Including Ad Taxes, Music Royalties, Privacy Reforms, and More

Broadcast Law Blog

'We recently wrote about FCC issues that will be facing broadcasters in this new year. While broadcasters will no doubt be busy keeping track of what the FCC is up to, they also need to have their eyes on other government agencies, as there are numerous issues that may come from Congress and the other regulatory agencies in DC that could affect their bottom lines.

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Supreme Court Decides to Review Aereo – Why This is Not the New Betamax Case

Broadcast Law Blog

'The Supreme Court on Friday announced that is has decided to review the decision of a US Appeals Court in New York finding that the Aereo service of retransmitting over the Internet the signals of local television stations, without permission from or payment to those stations, was legal. We wrote about the Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision in the Aereo case here.

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What’s Up With TV Shared Services Agreements?

Broadcast Law Blog

'TV Shared Services Agreements have been one of the targets of public interest groups since the start of the current Quadrennial Review of the FCC’s multiple ownership rules (see our articles here , here , here and here ). Public interest groups, in their zeal to stop any media consolidation (including newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership – even if that prohibition ends up outliving the newspaper itself, see our article here ), have seen Shared Services Agreements as end-arounds on the FCC’s in-

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January Regulatory Dates for Broadcasters and Webcasters – Children’s Television Reports, Quarterly Issues Programs List, Webcaster Elections and Minimum Fees, the Return of Lowest Unit Rates and More!

Broadcast Law Blog

'A new month in a new year, and a number of new regulatory dates are upon us for broadcasters – and important dates for webcasters also fall in this month. So now that the holidays are quickly becoming just a foggy memory, it is time to sharply focus on those regulatory obligations that you have to avoid legal issues as the year moves forward. January 10 brings one deadline for all broadcast stations – it is a date by which your Quarterly Issues Programs lists, setting out the most important i

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Transforming eDiscovery: Document Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, And Chatbots Take Center Stage

A Synergistic Approach to eDiscovery In the space of eDiscovery, the convergence of document summarization, sentiment analysis, and chatbots represents a significant change in how legal professionals navigate and manage electronic information. These technologies not only expedite the review process but also empower legal teams with deeper insights into the emotional context and key information within electronic documents.

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Ethics of E-discovery

The Paralegal Resource

A paralegal in the world of technology has to be sure about the ethics of e-discovery as it is a key aspect of most cases. A lot of what is recorded in contemporary times is typically in emails, or other electronic documents, also known as electronically stored information or ESI.

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Obama?e(TM)s Executive Order on Minimum Wage Increase: Is it Legal?

The Paralegal Resource

When President Obama made his State of the Union Address, he drew attention to the chasm between the haves and the have-nots, and announced an Executive Order which will raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour for federal contract workers in the future. In his speech, the President said.

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What types of things does an Estate Planning Paralegal do?

Paralegal Essentials

Estate Planning attorneys prepare documents for people like Last Will and Testaments , Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Durable Powers of Attorney, and Health Care Directives. The paralegals working for Estate Planning attorneys will be asked to do many of the following tasks: Follow up with clients regarding missing information. Follow up with clients regarding missing documents.

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What’s an Employer Looking for?

Paralegal Essentials

I cannot speak for the others in my trade, but I know what I as an attorney want in a paralegal. Not everything I want has to do with their training or education. Some of the things I look for have to do with who they are as a person. Honesty. Personal Integrity. Self-motivation. Professionalism. Often, I like to bring someone on first as an intern to see their work ethic in motion.

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Recipe for a Failed CLM Implementation

Selecting and implementing CLM technology can be daunting, leading to underutilization or abandonment. Factors like provider differentiation, inadequate planning, and lack of user training contribute to these failures. Recognizing these pitfalls is crucial for successful adoption, ensuring organizations harness the full potential of CLM for streamlined contract management.

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JP Morgan's Legal Costs Tumbling Profit Margin

The Paralegal Resource

The fourth quarter showed poor results for the banking giant JP Morgan Chase with a seven percent decrease in their overall profit. The dip in their charts is a direct result of the legal fees that the company had to deal with during this time. The bank had earlier announced a net inflow of money of about $5.3 billion, down from $5.7 billion during the same quarter last year.

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First-Year Paralegal: What Do You Wish You Would Have Known?

Paralegal Mentor

I asked this question on Facebook: What do you wish someone had told you when you were a first-year paralegal? The response was phenomenal so I thought I'd share the great advice with you. While I'm not including names, the tips were provided by paralegals from all over the country who are in various stages of their careers. Here they are: Improve writing skills.

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Chicago's Gun Sale Ban Gets Ruled Unconstitutional

The Paralegal Resource

The city of Chicago had long enforced a ban on the sale of guns in retail stores. This was done to protect the citizens from undue harm. But now, a judge has ruled that the ban is unconstitutional. The ruling comes from Judge Edmond Chang and could roll-back the recent efforts made by the Chicago government.

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Resolving Gaps in Real Estate Titles

The Paralegal Resource

In many cases a complicated phenomenon can only be described best with the help of multiple examples indicating the existence of the situation. Similarly, in the case of gap that is often associated with title insurance can appear in many different situations or circumstances. This gap can have numerous implications that include claims. In each of these situations, the gap is generally the difference between the time of the last examination of the title and the difference between the date record

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Contract Lifecycle Management: A Business Enabler Exploring On-Ground Challenges

CLM tools have always strived to push contract management into the digital age for almost 30 years. But the complexities of digitising a legal document are numerous. The current scenarios in business development have shown that having a fully automated CLM has become a mandate for every law firm and in-house legal department. To determine if you need a CLM system, it's essential to clearly identify the on-ground business challenges you aim to solve.

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Best Practices for Witness Preparation

The Paralegal Resource

In every law firm, a paralegal has the task of ensuring that all witnesses that are in need for a trial are available. There are three types of witnesses which a paralegal must be able to contact ? the client, the lay witness and the expert witness. All these witnesses must be prepared before they give their testimony to the jury at a trial. When a paralegal has to prepare a witness, he/she has to also make sure that their appearance adds value to the client's case.

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The Life of a Commercial Real Estate Deal - Part I

The Paralegal Resource

Have you ever thought about becoming a real estate paralegal? And not only a real estate paralegal, but a commercial real estate paralegal? Good for you! I found that a real estate deal has a life unto itself and coming to the closing is in some ways similar to approaching the finish line of a corporate challenge marathon. You prepared and practiced for many days; you ran and came to the finishing line.

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The Life of a Commercial Real Estate Deal - Part II

The Paralegal Resource

Congratulations! The due diligence period ended?all parties signed off and the deal is scheduled to close! You are ready to enter the next phase of a life of your deal: Pre-Closing. Do you know the main keyword of a pre-closing? You got it: ORGANIZATION. If you know who the players are, reflected any changes in the organization chart on your checklist, noted all new entities (and received and reviewed new documents related to them) during the due diligence process, got all third parties approval

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Just Follow Instructions

The Paralegal Resource

Your company (or a client) has an opening. Not just ?an opening?, but a position that will open doors for the right candidate to embrace an opportunity to work in a company with a solid background, great benefits and a chance to grow. Your status on LinkedIn says, ?If you are interested, send your resume and cover letter to HiringManager@TheCompany.com.?

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California Civil Discovery Act Undergoes Significant Overhaul

Short article looking at the new CCP 2016.

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Are You Sure You Have a Winning Resume? Part II

The Paralegal Resource

In Part I of this series, we started to speak about the evil in our lives: ?the resume? and how to write a winning one. I got a lot of responses and would like to answer some of the most common questions in this article.

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My Mailbox, My Enemy.

The Paralegal Resource

My enemy? Oh yes. I am not talking about my good ole? mailbox that sits next to my computer on my desk, nor the one that is a permanent fixture on the front wall of my humble abode. Those are easy to manage: I open an envelope, I toss unwanted catalogs out, I pay my bills (or, if in the office, send invoices to a responsible party or forward them to the billing coordinator), I respond to letters or mark them ?

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Judge Rules NSA Phone Records Collection Legal

The Paralegal Resource

There is a possible threat of protests breaking out after the latest ruling by the US District Judge William Pauley that favors the mass call tracking program conducted by the National Security Agency, which violates the constitutional Fourth Amendment. This judgment comes as a direct conflict to a ruling of federal judge Richard Leon in Washington DC a few days back, taking the example of the fourth amendment.

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Learning Copyright Law from TV’s The Good Wife – Compulsory Licenses, Derivitive Works and Parody and Fair Use

Broadcast Law Blog

'The Good Wife is not usually where one turns for serious discussions of music copyright issues (nor is Stephen Colbert’s Christmas special where we found copyright issues discussed several years ago ). But I was surprised to find this Sunday that the principal plot line of The Good Wife was focused on a music rights dispute. After watching, I wondered how many people in the show’s audience had any idea of what the legal issues being discussed were really all about.

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Dangers of Digital "Reporting": Legal Risks and Unreliable Transcripts

In the world of legal proceedings, the choice between a certified stenographer and digital "reporting" holds significant implications. Certified stenographers go through rigorous training and testing and stand as the gold standard for accuracy in capturing every word. Their expertise ensures a reliable record, a crucial foundation for legal cases.

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What’s Up in Washington For Broadcasters in 2014? — Part 1, FCC Issues

Broadcast Law Blog

'It is the beginning of another year – and a time to look ahead to look ahead at what broadcasters should expect from Washington in the coming year. With so many issues on the table, we’ll divide the issues into two parts – talking about FCC issues today, and issues from Capitol Hill and elsewhere in Washington’s alphabet soup of regulatory agencies in the near future.

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Are You Sure You Have a Winning Resume?

The Paralegal Resource

As a mentor and President of New York City Paralegal Association, I am often approached by members and non-member of our association with a request to assist to find a job or, at least, an internship. They tell me that they sent dozens of resumes weekly and didn?t receive even a single phone call in return. They blame economy, greedy employers or lazy agents, their decision to become a paralegal and even the time of the day and weather conditions.

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FISA Court Orders Being Withheld on NSA Data Collection

The Paralegal Resource

The NSA's data collection stint created quite a stir when it was revealed, although its defenders repeatedly claimed that there wasn't a single instance where the NSA had abused the information, despite the fact that Edward Snowden had managed to get access to crucial data that was unauthorized. Despite all this, is it even justified to conduct a program that secretly collects data from individuals?

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