Sat.Nov 06, 2021 - Fri.Nov 12, 2021

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7 Tips for Mastering the Paper Flow in the Paralegal World

Paralegal Bootcamp

It was my first day working at a law firm and I spent it in the filing room. Although I expected to be there, I still found it to be an onerous task. There were massive towers of paper scattered all over the place and only one me. I couldn’t understand why there was so much paper. I sifted through the piles, reading the correspondence and familiarizing myself with the files.

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What Does It Take to Be a Great Lawyer? The Competency of Curiosity

Attorney at Work

Law students and young lawyers often ask more seasoned lawyers what it takes to be a great lawyer. There are lots of answers to that difficult question, though admittedly, it may depend on who you ask, how long they’ve been practicing, and their practice area. For me, an often overlooked answer is the competency of being intellectually curious and asking questions.

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Lawyers Should Admit More Often When They Are Wrong

Above The Law

An attorney admitting that a mistake has been made can go a long way toward building trust.

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Mauritius dispatches: new corporate-friendly oil bill raises corruption and climate change concerns


A Staff Correspondent for JURIST in Mauritius says that a new petroleum bill advancing in that Indian Ocean country off the coast of Africa has significant implications for climate change and raises concerns about corruption, conflict of interest, and government mismanagement. For privacy and security reasons we are withholding his name and institutional affiliation.

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Empower Your Firm: The Modern Guide To Litigation Financing

Litigation is expensive. Expert witnesses, depositions, staffing, and a long list of other expenses can limit your firm’s options. They strain cash flow, limit taking on new clients, and can even impact case strategy. This guide simplifies the complex world of litigation financing and compares different models and how they can impact the access to justice your firm provides to clients.

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China Hackers Suspected of Targeting 370 U.S. Sites

The Crime Report

A report from cybersecurity company Palo Alto Networks revealed that hackers with potential ties to China targeted at least 370 organizations running potentially vulnerable Zoho servers in the U.S. alone, successfully compromising at least one, as part of a wider global campaign, according to The Hill. The compromised groups operated in the defense, education, energy, healthcare and the technology sectors, with a potential focus on servers used by companies working with the Department of Defense

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Five Reasons Lawyers Avoid Retirement

Attorney at Work

According to the 2021 ABA Profile of the Legal Profession , the COVID-19 pandemic prompted one-third of senior lawyers to change retirement plans — but that doesn’t mean they decided to retire. Instead, 53% of those lawyers decided to push the pause button. Disrupted income may be one reason — but as Camille Stell points out, there are other reasons lawyers avoid retirement.

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European Court of Human Rights will review Credit Suisse’ trespass case against climate activists


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) will review a conviction of several climate activists for protesting on Swiss bank Credit Suisse’s grounds. While the activists were initially acquitted in January 2020 , the Swiss appeal court reversed that decision. The case was seen as an important precedent for climate protestors. The climate protestors were university students and were charged with trespassing and imposed a US$22,200 fine.

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New York City Models ‘Post-Mass Incarceration’ Future: Jail Chief

The Crime Report

NYC Correction Commissioner Vincent Schiraldi. New York City offers a model to the rest of the country of what a “post-mass incarceration” jurisdiction would look like, says the city’s corrections boss. The recent headlines about human rights abuses and abysmal conditions at the sprawling Rikers Island jail should not detract attention from the progress New York has made in reducing both violent crime and the incarcerated population, argues Department of Correction Commissioner Vincent Schiraldi

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Court to clarify the right of death-row inmates to receive spiritual guidance during execution


Share On Oct. 21, when Willie Smith III was executed in Alabama for the 1991 murder of Sharma Ruth Johnson, his pastor was at his side. Witnesses reported that the pastor, Robert Wiley, put his hand on Smith’s leg and appeared to pray with him. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in a Texas inmate’s bid to obtain the same kind of aid from his pastor that Alabama allowed Wiley to provide to Smith.

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Transforming eDiscovery: Document Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, And Chatbots Take Center Stage

A Synergistic Approach to eDiscovery In the space of eDiscovery, the convergence of document summarization, sentiment analysis, and chatbots represents a significant change in how legal professionals navigate and manage electronic information. These technologies not only expedite the review process but also empower legal teams with deeper insights into the emotional context and key information within electronic documents.

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Executioner was convinced he would be condemned to hell; others also suffer long-term effects

ABA Journal

After Craig Baxley connected a plastic tube to vials of drugs to stop the heart of a condemned South Carolina inmate, he asked God to…

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India government releases draft bill of country’s first mediation law


India’s Ministry of Law and Justice released Friday the Draft Mediation Bill, 2021 , inviting comments and suggestions from all stakeholders. The bill aims to promote, encourage and facilitate mediation in the country, particularly institutional mediation. In a press release , the Ministry said, “since the laws on Mediation are contained in several enactments including rules and regulations, it was felt necessary to ascertain the present statutory framework on mediation and bring an umbrella leg

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Census of U.S. Corrections Finds Overcrowding, Limited Facilities for Aging Inmates

The Crime Report

More than a third (36 percent) of U.S. incarcerees were held in facilities operating “at more than their rated or design capacity” in 2019, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Although the figures, based on data from the most recent BJS census, are over two years old, they correlate with more recent anecdotal descriptions of a resource-strained correctional system burdened by overcrowding.

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Local Flavor: MyCase Expands Its Integration Options with CalendarRules and

Attorney at Work

MyCase , a long-standing case management software provider, has established itself as an effective all-in-one solution for law firms, jam-packed with in-house features. Thus, MyCase has traditionally restricted the number of integration partners to only the most popular and ubiquitous technology platforms, like Microsoft Office and MailChimp, to name two.

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Recipe for a Failed CLM Implementation

Selecting and implementing CLM technology can be daunting, leading to underutilization or abandonment. Factors like provider differentiation, inadequate planning, and lack of user training contribute to these failures. Recognizing these pitfalls is crucial for successful adoption, ensuring organizations harness the full potential of CLM for streamlined contract management.

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Another lawyer drops his pants to get through courthouse metal detector

ABA Journal

A Pittsburgh lawyer was charged with disorderly conduct Wednesday after he took off his pants to go through a metal detector at a downtown courthouse.

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Federal court finds Texas Governor’s ban on mask mandates violates ADA


The US District Court for the Western District of Texas ruled that Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order banning mask mandates violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on Wednesday. On July 29, 2021, Governor Abbot issued Executive Order GA-38 , preventing any “governmental entity, including a county, city, school district and public health authority” from requiring “any person to wear a face covering or to mandate that another person wear a face covering.R

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Cities Can’t ‘Arrest’ Their Way Out of Violence: Panel

The Crime Report

Community-police collaborations are critical to addressing the rise in violence, an expert panel said Tuesday. Three members of the Council on Criminal Justice Violent Crime Working Group – Daniel Isom representing law enforcement, Alex Piquero representing academia, and Ciera Bates-Chamberlain representing community-based activism – discussed how cops and communities can work together to stop the rise in violence and rebuild community trust. .

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An Ode To Veterans From A Military Spouse JD

Above The Law

This Veterans Day, I am so incredibly thankful for my husband and for our nation’s many veterans who have, without hesitation, courageously answered the call to preserve and defend our country.

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Contract Lifecycle Management: A Business Enabler Exploring On-Ground Challenges

CLM tools have always strived to push contract management into the digital age for almost 30 years. But the complexities of digitising a legal document are numerous. The current scenarios in business development have shown that having a fully automated CLM has become a mandate for every law firm and in-house legal department. To determine if you need a CLM system, it's essential to clearly identify the on-ground business challenges you aim to solve.

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Law profs seek to overturn New York law requiring their ethics complaints to be secret

ABA Journal

Law professors who posted grievances that they filed against 21 prosecutors are challenging a New York law that requires lawyer disciplinary proceedings and related papers…

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US Supreme Court hears oral arguments in digital billboard, first amendment case


The US Supreme Court on Wednesday heard oral arguments in a case with critical implications for the Highway Beautification Act. City of Austin v. Reagan Advertising considers whether the Austin city code’s distinction between on-premise signs, which may be digitized, and off-premise signs, which may not, is a facially unconstitutional content-based regulation under the First Amendment. .

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Autistic Females Vulnerable to Crime: Study

The Crime Report

Autistic females were at 32 percent greater odds of being the victim of a crime, while adult males were almost twice as likely to be stopped and questioned by police, and arrested or charged, according to a Drexel University study. Research from the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute at Drexel University on the experiences of autistic individuals and their caregivers across their interactions with the criminal justice system in Pennsylvania has found, among other conclusions, an increased risk for int

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Justices puzzled by interaction of state-secrets privilege and federal surveillance statute


Share The Supreme Court heard oral argument on Monday in Federal Bureau of Investigation v. Fazaga , a lawsuit filed by three Muslim Americans alleging that the FBI and its agents discriminated against them based on their religion during a surveillance program in southern California. The question before the court is whether the case should be dismissed under the “state secrets” privilege, or whether – as the U.S.

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California Civil Discovery Act Undergoes Significant Overhaul

Short article looking at the new CCP 2016.

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Laws said to encourage vigilante justice still in effect in most states

ABA Journal

Laws that permit citizens arrests or entitle citizens to stand their ground have been blamed for vigilante shootings and tragic consequences.

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Canada appeals court rules Crown violated land treaties with Anishinaabe


The Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA) ruled Monday that the governments of Canada and Ontario have broken a pair of 1850 treaties with the Anishinaabe peoples by capping the annual payment at a few dollars per year in exchange for a large area of the northern part of Ontario. The Robinson-Huron Treaty and Robinson-Superior Treaty promised an exchange of use and occupation of an area of land inhabited by the Anishinaabe peoples that stretched from the northern shores of Lake Huron and Lake Superior

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Organized Crime Groups Exploit Recycled Plastics

The Crime Report

While Americans who toss their recycled plastic goods into green or blue bins believe the items are being recycled, they’re too often shipped overseas — sometimes with the help of organized crime — left to litter cities elsewhere, according to an independent Swiss research group, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime. The group released a report on Monday shedding new light on how waste fuels crime organizations and litters developing countries. .

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Justices will again confront state-secrets privilege in lawsuit challenging FBI surveillance of mosques


Share The FBI called it “Operation Flex”: a counterterrorism investigation in southern California. When three of the Americans targeted by the FBI learned of the investigation, they filed a lawsuit in federal court, alleging that the FBI and its agents had discriminated against them based on their religion and had conducted illegal searches. That lawsuit is now before the Supreme Court, which will hear argument Monday on whether it should be dismissed under the “state secrets” privilege or wheth

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Dangers of Digital "Reporting": Legal Risks and Unreliable Transcripts

In the world of legal proceedings, the choice between a certified stenographer and digital "reporting" holds significant implications. Certified stenographers go through rigorous training and testing and stand as the gold standard for accuracy in capturing every word. Their expertise ensures a reliable record, a crucial foundation for legal cases.

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Kirkland & Ellis apparently wins huge fee in contingency case

ABA Journal

Kirkland & Ellis has apparently received a $200 million contingency fee in its representation of a company claiming that its purchase of chemical businesses was…

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Singapore high court stays execution of man with disabilities following COVID-19 diagnosis


The Singapore Court of Appeal stayed the execution of Nagaenthran Dharmalingam, a Malaysian national who was convicted of illegally importing 42.72 grams of diamorphine in 2009, on Tuesday. The stay came in the light of Nagaenthran testing positive for COVID-19 a day before his execution was due in a case that has attracted international attention. In 2011, the High Court convicted Nagaenthran of violating section 7 of the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA), which prohibits the importation of a controlle

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Former Police Officers Who Tased Man Over 50 Times Convicted for Murder

The Crime Report

Former Oklahoma police officers Brandon Dingman and Joshua Taylor have been convicted of second-degree murder for using their Tasers a total of more than 50 times on an unarmed man who later died, reports the New York Times. Prosecutors said the repeated use of the Tasers, also known as stun guns, by the former officers was “dangerous and unnecessary” during their encounter with Jared Lakey on July 4, 2019.

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