Patent due diligence processes take too long. The information you need is publicly available but accessing it is often tedious & inefficient, requiring you to wade through dozens of PTO websites or for-free tools to gather what you need. Plus, it frequently occurs late in the game, leaving professionals under pressure, sifting through chaotic 100-page PDFs, and frustrated with poorly formatted information & patent numbers. There are better methods!

Join us to hear best practices in researching and producing thorough patent due diligence reports. We'll cover:

  • 🔍 Finding everything in the public record: searching by asset identifiers and company names
  • 📑 Key data required: legal status, family members, expiry dates, chain of title, and more
  • 💻 Formats of preference: downloadable spreadsheets vs live links

Ready to boost your research efficiency? Register now and start mastering patent due diligence like a pro!

📆 March 25, 2025 at 11:00 am PT, 2:00 pm ET, 7:00 pm GT


NALA CLE Credit Approval has been granted for this program. This program qualifies for 1 CLE Credit hour under the following category: Substantive CLE hours.

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