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December 2020 Updates to the Climate Case Charts


Federal Court in Washington Upheld Forest Restoration Plan. The federal district court for the Eastern District of Washington upheld the U.S. The federal district court for the Western District of Washington vacated U.S. Washington Appellate Court Upheld Convictions of Activist Who Presented Necessity Defense.

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July 2017 Updates to the Climate Case Charts


Circuit also rejected EPA’s argument that the court did not have authority to review stays issued under Section 307(d)(7)(D) of the Clean Air Act. The Second Circuit said the Connecticut statutes authorizing the solicitations did not compel utilities to enter into contracts with specific bidders. A-3393-15T4 et al. June 22, 2017).

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March 2018 Updates to the Climate Case Charts


The action involved closing valves on pipelines in Washington, Montana, Minnesota, and North Dakota. The Climate Disobedience Action Fund reported that the North Dakota court sentenced an activist who disabled the TransCanada Keystone 1 tar sands pipeline in North Dakota to three years in prison, with two years deferred.

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November 2017 Updates to the Climate Case Charts


The court also granted motions to strike the state law claims pursuant to California’s anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) statute. A few days after the Minnesota court’s decision, a Washington district court also ruled that a defendant could present a necessity defense. Resolute Forest Products, Inc.

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